Friday, August 30, 2013

How Big Brands Can Help Biodiversity, TED talk

     Many people believe that to change the food we are consuming into mainly organic we need to change the consumers preference or choice. That has worked, but not fast enough. To get the largest impact though, we need to influence the big companies that control the food supply, because companies can push production in a different direction faster than the consumers can. Jason Clay said in the TED talk How Big Brands Can Help Biodiversity "we need to use less to produce more". We need to find a way to convince the companies to start supplying us with sustainable goods. To change the commodities into something sustainable, Jason Clay decided to take the top one-hundred companies with unsustainable commodities and work with them to change. He talked to Cargill and they found out that the palm oil productions can double without cutting a single tree in the next two years, if they plant on land that that is already degraded. They don't need to expand and destroy more land and they get even more of the product than before. 
     I admit, I was one of the people on board with the "convincing the consumers" idea. Listening to this TED talk though, was really eye opening. I realized that they were right. No way are we going to be able to sustain our growing population in twenty years. I have never really considered environmental  issues, and I never really worried about out food supply before now. I am wondering now, what can I do? I cant very well go around to the biggest companies and try to convince them, somebodies already doing that, and they are doing well also. Will the consumer piece still work? I am left wondering about this and now know that, as Jason said, "Its more with less and less again, thats what the futures got to be."

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